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在我的电影中,为了尽可能 真实的描绘情感,我习惯于去试验各类叙事手法,比如多主角、非线性叙事等等。






The Rainbow Experiment


International Premiere


美国 | 2017 | 彩色 | 129分钟 | 剧情

US | 2017 | Color | 129min | Drama

导演/编剧 | 克里斯蒂娜·卡拉斯

制片 | 艾立森·凡诺尔

演员 | 劳拉·普鲁登、拉伦·索瓦、罗伯特·Z·格兰特、克里斯·维特里、凯瑟琳·科布-瑞恩

摄影 | 戴夫·夏普斯

音效 | 奎斯塔·威尔士

剪辑 | 娜塔丽·雷努



Director’s Biography

Awarded filmmaker, book author and professor for film 42 Seconds of Happiness (2016), an intense and remarkable indie film currently in the festival circuit was her debut feature as a director. It won Best Feature Film at WTxFF, Best Ensemble Cast at Harlem Int’l Film Festival, Indie Spirit Award and Best Ensemble Cast at Princeton Independent Film Festival and Best American Film at the 9th Jaipur International Film Festival. Kallas was nominated for the Emerging Director Award at the St. Louis Int’l Film Festival 2016.The Rainbow Experiment is her sophomore feature as a director. Prior to relocating to NYC, Kallas has worked for over 15 years in Europe as a screenwriter and producer. Screen credits include the feature filmsMothers (2010), Best Foreign Language Film entry at the 83rd Academy Awards;The Commissioner (1998), starring John Hurt, in Official Competition at the Berlin Int’l Film Festival; I.D., a PolyGram film production (1994); as well as several Best TV-awarded series. From 2005 to 2013 Kallas was President of the Federation of Screenwriters in Europe (FSE.) She was honored for her outstanding contribution to the international writers’ community including the European Screenwriters Manifesto and the World Conference of Screenwriters. She is teaching at Columbia University’s and Barnard College’s Film Programs since 2011 and is the author of six books in her three writing languages, including Creative Screenwriting: Understanding Emotional Structure and Inside the Writers’ Room (Palgrave/Macmillan, 2010&2014).


在我的电影中,为了尽可能 真实的描绘情感,我习惯于去试验各类叙事手法,比如多主角、非线性叙事等等。因此,影片制作过程中激发自然派表演,从素材中截取镜头,多重音效设计还有我自己选择的屏幕分割镜头都显得尤为重要。当然了,这部影片最重要的还是叙事结构:打个比方,这就像是我们来到一个派对,需要一段时间去让自己适应这个坏境。也许在某个特殊的事件之后,我们会突然对周遭人和物都有了新的理解。我总是着迷于电影艺术不拘泥于传统叙事的独特性,这让我们用多样化的方式去感受这个世界,并且去挖掘跳出现实框架外的有趣的东西。我有意加快这部电影的叙事节奏,通过一系列个人情感上的谜团,在可控的范围内制造悬疑。屏幕分割镜头让许多不同的场景和故事线产生更清晰的比对,这也最终促成了一种对故事复杂性的全新理解和探讨。

Director’s Statement

In my films I experiment with narrative form, multi-protagonist, sometimes nonlinear structures, in an effort to allow and emulate an experience that is as close as possible to experiencing reality emotionally. The workshopping part of the process to reach naturalistic performances is important in that sense, as is the choice of camera work, the multilayered soundtracks, and indeed my experimental use of split screens. The most important element however, is how the narrative is structured: I see it much like when we join a party as a guest and need time to orientate ourselves to how everything and everyone are connected and then suddenly, after witnessing a key moment, we understand more and retrospectively what we have experienced and why we have experienced it that way. I am intrigued by how cinematic narrative is evolving beyond the traditional story format, and how it influences the way we perceive the world. What I am interested in, frankly, is what’s beyond, above and underneath what we call reality. I aim to tell the story at a very fast pace, building suspense constantly without blowing things up, through a puzzle of personal, emotional human moments. Split screen editing allows for vertical as well as horizontal juxtaposition of different scenes and storylines, and ultimately for a different, more visceral and compassionate perception of the story and its





Things spiral out of control in a high school in Manhattan when a terrible accident involving a science experiment injures a kid for life. A who-dun-it with a how-they-saw-it leads to an explosion of emotions touching on the teachers, the parents, the school authorities and, ultimately, the students.


“Violence never comes from nowhere. This film starts from the tips of an event and gradually goes into characters’ deep emotion. During this period when Hollywood Narration is no longer compelling, Rainbow provides a new possibility of how to tell a story.”


